Help and Healing for Men Struggling with Sexual Brokenness

Find True Identity Discipleship diagnostiX


Coming Soon

The 8 diagnostiX
These eight tools map your journey of coming to know Jesus as Life. Creating a personal Find True Identity Journal about how you are embracing Jesus as sovereign Lord, forgiving Lamb, and saving Life; how you are experiencing Him as rescuing Liberator, all-wise Leader, and Light-Source of Grace & Truth; and enjoying Him as the perfect Lover of your soul.
diagnostiX keeps you in God's Word, identifing and defining your struggles with biblical solutions. Learning to exchange your thougths, choices, and feelings—your affections, your values—for His. Taking you deeper into His Word and Life. Building biblical strategies for overcomng sin's hunts, haunts, and habits.
There are several types of diagnostiX. You will find two below:
Relational diagnostiX  
  • My Bible Walk (relating your soul to God, strategically through His Word and prayer; formerly known as Protectorates)
    • Romans 1 (.i.e., 1:1-17)
    • building Gospel truths with biblical strategies that protect and focus our souls (i.e., how we think, choose, and feel... which make up our affections/values)
  • My ABC Walk (revealing where you find acceptance, belonging, and competence—i.e., profiling your responses to relationships and events... responses that may have led to disordered thinking, destructive choices, and damaged emotions; also known as Life Messages)
    • Romans 2 (i.e., 1:18 — 3:20)
    • identifying what and how we think and feel, and why
  • My Flesh Walk (revealing your default motives and self-protection patterns—i.e., profiling your flesh with God's Word)
    • Romans 3 (i.e., 1:18-3:20)
    • sketching our flesh (i.e., the good, the bad, and the ugly)...  mapping our default patterns, our behaviors and choices, into one of three fluid profiles.. i.e., I'm primarily motivated by:
      • moral ethics — I live as an immoral or moral person of Romans 1 & 2
      • legal ethics — I live as a law breaker or law keeper of Romans 2
      • religious ethics — I live as an irreligious or religious person of Romans 3
Apostle Paul labels sinners as 'disobeident children... under the wrath of God' (Ephesians 2:1-3). This sin, sins, and sinning condition and subsequent behavior can be summed up as 'sin ethics''... which can be divided into the three profiles listed above: moral, legal, and religious. Ultimately, humanity's struggles, even addictions, to any of these sin ethics' profiles can be seen as one stuck in and possibly overwhelmed by a cycle of sinning (Romans 3:9-20). Which sums up the human existence without God.  
  • My Prayer Walk Connections (relating your struggles to God through prayer and God's Word)
    • Romans 4 (i.e., 3:21—5:11) 
    • connecting the disorder, the destruction, the damage —i.e., the chaos— of life-shattering addictions and the false identities learned and developed from delusional intimacies,​​​​​​ revealed in My Life Walk and My Flesh Walk, with God's truth learned through My Bible Walk... this connecting encourages true believers to question God and then listen to God​​​​​'s voice whispering from within the spirit chamber of your heart...
Freedom diagnostiX
Setting us free to learn how to live free. Learning to live from God’s LIFE—i.e., from Jesus’ Life living in and through us.
  • My Grace Walk (consists of 4 exploring and defining exercises)
    • Romans 5 (v12-21)
    • setting the lies of the flesh beside the truth of the Gospel (defining grace: what God can do that I can't do
  • My Faith Walk (offering a definition and the pattern of faith)
    • Romans 6 (v1-14)
    • an equation for living by faith in the truth of the Gospel (defining faith: know — reckon — yield — walk)
  • My Crazy Walk (learning to tear down the enemy's strongholds)
    • Romans 7 (v17-25)
    • desires in conflict... the truth of the Gospel counters the devil's secret weapon — i.e, our flesh... our default patterns of thinking, choosing, and feeling (defining crazy as the 'me, myself, and I Syndrome or the 'me, myself, and I Masquerade')
  • My Spirit Walk (learning to express Christ's Life from deep within... learning to recognize and surrender to God's Life living within... often refered to as My Exciting Walk)​​​​​​ ​​
    • Romans 8 
    • it's our good, our bad, our ugly exchanged for the good and right of Jesus' Life (defining Spirit Life as the believer's new nature, new identity, and new destiny)
We know that none of the God-born makes a practice of sin—fatal sin.
The God-born are also the God-protected. The Evil One can’t lay a hand on them.
We know that we are held firm by God;
it’s only the people of the world who continue in the grip of the Evil One.
And we know that the Son of God came so we could recognize and understand the truth of God
and we are living in the Truth itself, in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
This Jesus is both True God and Real Life (i.e., Eternal Life).
Dear children, be on guard against all clever facsimiles (idols).
1 John 5:18-21, the Message, (emphasis mine)
And now to Him who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in His bright presence, fresh and celebrating—to our one God, our only Savior, through Jesus Christ, our Master, be
glory (Life), majesty (Beauty), strength (Power), and rule (Sovereignty) 
before all time, and now, and to the end of all time. Yes.
Jude 24-25, the Message Bible, (emphasis mine)
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